So, I’m sure you are wondering whats up with the supra right?! Well nothing has changed lol. I had to leave my car on June 22nd due to electric issues and that issue was fixed July 5th. Shortly after the issue was fixed my car was towed back to DP Engineering where it has been since. Due to Arnout being the only one running SupraSport and having a busy personal life he hasn’t had time to tune my car. When Arnout is available the Owner of DP Engineering (Pieter) is busy. As of now for the wiring fix and two tow trucks I’m $600 deep!
At this point I feel car depressed lol . I haven’t felt motivated to post since its been down and unsure of when it will return.. So, I’ve been just saving a little be prepared to pay for this tune. I’ll try to be better with more updates though. I’ve received my wheels from @GarageOneThree ! They look amazing and can’t wait to throw them on since they aren’t what I usually get( You will see what I mean). Also, the PA Unltd Civic is pretty much sold as well. Due to the way German laws are I am forced to sell it.
On a bright now I bought my wife a newer daily which means I get the E36 Sedan that I got for her. Sooooo looks like this project will be going down as well. Of course, I’m scared to mod it now since I’m waiting on the bill for the Supra to be complete.
Last but not least, I’ll be gone for he next two months due to work training so I’ll be in Washington State for a month. Then a month in California! My camera will be fully charged and ready to do some features while I’m out there but hopefully I can return and have consistent updates!
– PA Unlimited Co